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2024 BHHHC AGM Recruitment Pathway – spotlight on your Hockey Committee

2024 BHHHC AGM Recruitment Pathway – spotlight on your Hockey Committee

BHHHC Hockey Chair12 Jun - 20:30
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More volunteers needed!

The good news is we are making progress in recruiting candidates to stand for the key roles that make our club work. However, we still need volunteers for some key roles. This article focuses on Hockey Committee Role Vacancies.

The Hockey Committee meets regularly and plays the vital role of developing hockey in line with our Strategic Plan, coordinating all adult and youth hockey activity (training and games), ensuring compliance with our Policies, Standards and Procedures and identifying social events for the enjoyment of adult and youth members.

The Hockey Committee doesn’t do this on its own but is supported by the Exec, Non-Committee Officers and other committees such as the Social Committee and Mixed Hockey Festival Committee.

The Hockey Committee roles are listed here on the website, along with with a short description of what’s involved together with the candidates that have come forward so far (thanks to those candidates that have volunteered so far).

We still need to fill these positions:-
• Chair
• Secretary

If you think you can make a contribution to either of these roles, or want to put yourself forward for any of the other roles on the Hockey Committee, please contact Paul Dubenski or Nick Cave or past holders of these roles to find out more about what’s involved.

A List of BHHHC roles is available here on the website.

We look forward to hearing from you.
Paul Dubenski, BHHHC Chair
Nick Cave, BHHHC Secretary

Further reading