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2. Getting Started

There are a few things you need to do to be able to play in matches:

  1. First, you will need to join the club by registering through the club website. Click on the JOIN link on the website. See document below for more information. We use the Pitchero App as our club management tool and it will ask you to apply for a team. Your club captain will allocate you to a team that is the best fit for you but for the purposes of registration, please sign up for the New Player team.
  2. Your club captain will also give you a club number that you need to have printed on to the back of your shirt when playing league matches.
  3. In addition to registering with the club, England Hockey require all players to register with their Game Management System (GMS). GMS is a system that records hockey matches in England and it holds all club team and player records as well as game data entered by the team captains or managers.
  4. Finally, we record all hockey related injuries using a digital platform, SportSmart. The programme enables effective risk management and injury prevention for sport. When you register with the club we will add you to the platform. If you would like more information on how personal data is kept safe please read the privacy notice here. If you would prefer to opt out please email to let us know.

Subs and match fees – what’s the difference?

BHHHC charge subscription fees and match fees to cover the costs of playing hockey. Hockey subscription fees (subs) are due at the beginning of the winter season, and match fees at each game played. These fees enable the club to provide coaching, umpires, pitches, insurance, kit and league entries for members. Once you have registered as a member, subscription fees will automatically be requested and payment is straight forward via the website on Pitchero.

Weekly match fees are due on the day you play and again is straight forward using Pitchero.

For full information of prices and concessions click here. To purchase a subscription please visit the shop.


Guide to Registration
